Kids Show the Way

My cute little niece, Annie, and nephew, Liam have joined me here at the cottage, along with their parents, and for the last few days their three cousins from Chicago, Rory, Erin, and Malachy (and their parents), have also been visiting. (We can comfortably sleep twelve; more, if people don't mind cushions on the floor.) Unfortunately, my lovely camera recently decided to go for a swim in Lake Michigan, so even if this blog were disposed to upload pictures, I'm afraid I don't have any photos of the assembled crew. They're all very cute. And of course I was pleased when Liam pulled out his Lego set and built a Lego Fafner---don't ask---and Malachy (who's very interested in dragons, and history, and everything) demanded the story of Fafner and Siegfried and the rest. And then Erin, riffing on Rory's portable keyboard, started playing the "Hobbit" theme from Howard Shore's great Lord of the Rings score, displaying terrific musical for such a little girl, and we listened to some Fafner music from Siegfried and to some old books-on-tape discs I made years ago of The Hobbit and so forth. Get 'em young, is my motto!
I've got to run (on babysitting duty tonight, while the kids' parents are off at a Michael Moore function of some kind here in northern Michigan). Tomorrow, more guests arrive! Not much screenplay work is getting it's now the vacation after the vacation after the vacation.